One of the most common questions we are asked at Heating Plus in Geelong is ‘how do split system air conditioners work?’
What do split systems do?
Split systems work by cooling and heating one area or room of your home. They comprise of an indoor wall-mounted unit that blows cool air around the room, and an outdoor unit that extracts the heat from the cool room. The outdoor unit can be mounted on a flat roof, on the ground or even mounted on a wall using brackets. Refrigerant is also used to cool the air inside the room being cooled down.
How do split systems work?
- As the liquid changes to gas and evaporates, it extracts heat from the air around it. The heat in the air is required to separate the molecules of the fluid from liquid to a gas.
- The indoor unit has a built-in fan that circulates the air within the room. As the air from the room blows over the coil, the heat is extracted.
- When the refrigerant leaves the outdoor unit, it is a high-pressure liquid. It then returns through the suction as a low-pressure gas.
Refrigerant plays a vital role in making sureĀ your split system air conditioner is working properly. Refrigerant is a liquid substance that turns into gas as it cools. Once refrigerant is dispatched through the coils inside the unit, it will then start to cool down the air in the room. Low refrigerant in a split system can reduce performance and efficiency of the unit.
Once one of our Heating and Cooling experts have come to inspect your room/rooms that you are wanting to cool, we will then work out what make, model and size of split system will best be suited for the room you are trying to cool, reaching the desired temperature, without your split system having to work too hard.
Contact the friendly team at Heating Plus GeelongĀ to chat about installing split system air conditioning into your home and arrange a meeting with one of our split system consultants.