Thinking of installing cooling into your home. There are many things that you need to consider, including the following:
- Which areas of your home are you wanting to cool? If you are only wanting to cool one section of your home (for example, your living room only), then it may be more energy and cost efficient to install a split system air conditioner in that area. However, if you are wanting to cool your whole home, then it may be more efficient to install ducted system air conditioning. Ducted system air conditioning best suits cooling multiple rooms, including bedrooms. You are also able to zone areas of your home with ducted system air conditioning.
- The size and structure of your home: Firstly, you need to work out which areas of your home you are wanting to cool, which may include your whole home, or just a smaller area. Once you have worked this out, a licensed installer will need to inspect and size the area of your home that you are wanting cooled. The size of your cooling system is vital, as correct sizing will reduce your cooling costs, as well as reaching the desired temperature you are wanting. If your cooling system is sized incorrectly, your system will not work efficiently.
Speak to the friendly team at Heating Plus today if you are considering installing cooling into your home. We are happy to inspect your home, showing you which option may best suit your needs!